If you've ever examined the privacy policy
of other websites, there's a good chance
you found pages upon pages of privacy
disclaimers and legal language. Our privacy
policy is short, to-the-point, and easy
to understand. We will not rent, sell or
trade your personal information to anyone.
Period. It's as simple as that. We value
your privacy as much as our own.
We are dedicated to protecting your privacy
and handling any personal information you
may provide us, with care and respect.
If you do provide your email address when
contacting us, that information remains
private. Please be assured that any personal
information that you provide in communications
via email or postal mail will not be used
to send you promotional materials. We do
not sell, rent or trade any personally
identifiable information. We have a very
low opinion of unsolicited email, and will
not sell you out to those who send spam --
or anyone else for that matter. Your email
address will not be sold, traded, shared,
marketed, delivered, publicized or revealed
in any way, shape or form.
We are not responsible for the privacy
practices or the content of other websites
that may be linked to this site.
Internet privacy is an issue that Internet
Accuracy Project takes very seriously. We
provide this Privacy Policy so that our
visitors will know that personally identifiable
information is not being sold, shared,
rented, marketed, delivered, publicized or
traded with anyone.