Initially all pages presented at Internet
Accuracy Project were specifically designed
for and were best viewed using Microsoft
Internet Explorer. As Internet Explorer
security issues mounted and the popularity
of Firefox and other secondary browsers
increased, we made certain that all new
pages, as well as all updated, expanded,
or revised pages, were compatible with
all popular internet browsers.
If you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer,
for optimal viewing, your browser text
size should be set to medium (on your menu,
click view, text size, then medium).
In June of 2006, we completed revisions
on all remaining interior pages to ensure
complete compatibility with Mozilla Firefox
and most other secondary browsers.
In August 2010, we brought a new, improved
website design online, so users of smaller
netbooks, and other small, handheld devices
could better utilize and enjoy our resources,
along with the usual computer users.
Those updates are now complete. We thank
you for your patience during the transition. |